Gérard Pape

Formerly director of the Ateliers UPIC/CCMIX from 1991 to 2007, Gerard Pape founded the C.L.S.I. (Cercle pour la Libération du Son et de l’Image), an ensemble consisting of composer-performers singing, playing instruments, and computers “live” in 2007.

Monographic CDs of Pape’s music first came out on Mode records in 1992, 1998 and 2006. Another monographic CD of his music came out in 2007 on Iancu Dumitrescu’s label, Edition Modern.

Two new monographic CDs of his music came out in 2015 on Stradivarius Records and Mode Records. A bilingual book of Pape’s texts as well as musicological texts about his work, MusiPoéSci, was published in 2015 by Editions Michel de Maule in Paris.

In 2015, Pape was commissioned by the Sonar Quartett (Berlin) with funds provided by the Ernst von Siemens Foundation to write his 4th String Quartet Textures Turbulentes et Formes Emergentes. The work was given its world premiere in Berlin, December 11, 2016. A new revised version of this work now including extensive electronics and fixed sounds was given its world premiere by the Neo Quartet in Gdańsk (Poland) on September 10, 2022.

In 2019, a doctoral dissertation was defended and published by the musicologist, Lissa Meridan, on the subject of Pape’s work Harmonies of Time and Timbre.

Pape’s mega-opera Le Purgatoire (based on Dante), which lasts more than 7 hours, was digitally released worldwide on the MUSICA PRESENTE label (Rome) in December 2021. This work obtained more than 54,000 streams worldwide.

A new CD of Pape’s music was released in 2023 with 2 of his large electronic works, Héliophonie, on Mode Records (New York). 

Gerard Pape’s book Iannis Xenakis and the Ethics of Absolute Originality was published in 2023 by the French publisher uteurp in French and in English. 

In 2024, a box set called Le Purgatoire/Purgatory, including the whole opera on 3 DVDs in the form of a film, plus 2 CDs with numerous other works for voices, instruments and electronics composed from 1994 to 2022, will appear on the ACEL label (Paris).